Kamis, 28 Januari 2016

ComputerHistory and Development

ComputerHistory and Development

Do you know when the computer was first made? And what about the history of its development to become a sophisticated computer today? Well, on this occasion we will invite you to look back to know how computers first began its history. We will equally see the computer evolved with the times to reach the present form, happy reading.
History of Computer Generation I - V
The origins of the history of computer development can not be separated from the human need to be able to know how the results of a calculation, ranging from the very simple calculation to very complicated. In order to obtain an accurate and quick information, man has always sought and found a calculating and processing aids better data. In the beginning the entire count tool manually driven by human power (Manual Year Period 1000 BC - 1641 AD), then calculate developing tools using mechanical propulsion using handlooms toothed wheels (Mechanical Period 1642-1885). In further developments, aids counting, engine mechanics started using electricity (Electromechanical period 1886-1945), and the latest developments using electronic circuit (Electronics Period 1946 - present).

At Electronic period that we began to enter the computer generation. Here is an explanation of each of the computer generation:
Computer Generation I
The first generation of computer history began attending in 1946 - 1956, some of the main characteristics of this generation include:
• Using a vacuum tube (vacuum tubes) as a circuit.
• The physical size of a large computer that requires a spacious room and wearing a large electric power.
• Have an external storage media such as magnetic tape or magnetic drum.
• Can only be controlled by the machine language (machine language)
As an example of the first generation of this include:
ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer)

ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer), which was developed in 1946 by John W. Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert of the University of Pennsylvania is the First General Purpose Electronic Computer.
UNIVAC (Universal Automatic Computer)

UNIVAC (Universal Automatic Computer) has been using magnetic tape as a medium for input and output. Is the first commercial computer that used by the US Census Bureau to be used in calculating the population census and as the first computer made for the purpose of business applications.
IBM 701 and IBM650

IBM 701 and IBM650 which has a large commercial computers. Already using magnetic drum for external storage media.
Computer Generation II
History of second-generation computers became popular in the early 1960s. Some main features of this generation include:
• It uses a transistor to the circuit. Transistor developed at Bell Laboratories in 1947.
• Smaller, fast, reliable, and energy efficient than the first generation of computers.
• Using assembly language consisting of abbreviations to replace the binary code
Examples of second generation computers were developed when it was IBM 1401. Since 1965, most large businesses use computers to process the generation of financial information.

Computer Generation III
As an example of this third generation computers include:
IBM S / 360

IBM S / 360 are designed for business and engineering.
GE 600 and GE 235

General Electric issued a GE 600 and GE 235.
NCR Century

National Cash Register issued a series NCR Century
Computer Generation IV
Computerhistory genarasi fourth (1971), some of the main characteristics of this generation include:
• Starting developed a micro computer that uses a processor with a general purpose microprocessor developed by Intel (Intel 8080)
• Begin use of LSI (Large Scale Intergartion) which is the solidification of thousands IC (Integrated Circuit) in a chip. Later developed into a VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration).
• In this generation most of the computer has an operating system with a GUI concept (Grapihical User Interface). Such as the Microsoft Windows operating system made by Microsoft Corp.
As an example of this fourth-generation computers include:
Apple II

Apple II was developed by Steven Jobs and Steve Wozniak. The picture on the top of the computer Apple II by Steven Job and Steve Wozniak.

IBM-compatible PC with mass produced by various companies so that a micro computer socialized until today. IBM PC continues to evolve from the IBM PC / XT, the IBM PC / AT, IBM PC / 386, IBM PC / 486 using a microprocessor Intel 8088, 80286, 80386, 80486, subsequently became an Intel Pentium series. Which produces microprocessors other than Intel, there is also the company AMD (Advanced Micro Devices).
Computer Generation V
V generation computer history developed since 1985, some of the main characteristics of this generation include:
• In Japan established ICOT (Institute for New Computer Technology) to develop a fifth-generation computer, which creates a powerful computer and intelligent.
• development of computer systems that have an element of artificial intelligence that can do the work with human characteristics such as (intelligent, imagination, and intuition) with natural language (colloquial).
Figures Computer developments
In the history of computers, a row of the following figures is that they are instrumental in the development. Among them was Charles Babbage, Ada Augusta Byron, Herman Hollerith, Thomas Watson, Bob noyse and Gordon Moore, Steven Jobs and Steve Wozniak, Bill Gates and Paul Allen, Richard Stallman, Linus Torvalds. Here we will see what kind of services the figures are:
Charles Babbage
An inventor and mathematician who was born in England in 1791. Managed to make a model of the machine called the Difference Engine and designed the Analytical Engine. Known by sebuatan Mr. Computer Modern (Father of the Modern Computer) as the Analytical Engine design has five elements found in modern computers, namely:
• Tool input (input device).
• Storage of data to be processed.
• processing equipment.
• processing control unit
• Tool output (output device)
There Augusta Byron
Known as the first programmer (First Computer Programmer) because it helps develop an instruction to run the Analytical Engine.
Herman Hollerith
1886 made the Tabulating Machine used to calculate the results of the population census in 1890 the United States quickly. 1896 founded the Tabulating Machine Company, and in 1924 merged with two other companies and form the International Business Machines Corporation - IBM Co.
Thomas Watson
In 1924 - 1956, leading the International Business Machines (IBM) and managed to bring IBM dominated the market as a supplier of data processing machines and started to become well-known computer developers. Since 1981, IBM entered the microcomputer business with the introduction of the IBM PC.
Bob Noyce and Gordon Moore
Founded Intel in 1968 and in 1971 introduced the first microprocessor (4004).
Steven Jobs and Steve Wozniak
1976 introduced the Apple I, the first computer with a keyboard and screen. Formed Apple Computer Inc. and developed the Apple II. Apple is the first company to develop the use of the mouse on its personal computer in 1983.
Bill Gates and Paul Allen
As the founder of the company Microsoft. 1980 IBM chose Microsoft to develop an operating system for the IBM PC and the result is the operating system known as MS-DOS. In 1990 the company Microsoft dominates the software market (software) with the growing extent of the use of the Microsoft Windows operating system with various application programs for business, engineering, education, and personal.
Richard Stallman
1984 started the project GNU (GNU's Not Unix), a Unix-like operating system which is free software. 1985 founded the Free Software Foundation institutions are sponsoring the development of free software.
Linus Torvalds
1991 developed the Linux operating system which is then distributed Open Source. Linux operating system widely applied to servers on a network system.

thanks for read this blog

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